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07930143388 or 01299270570



Selected reference projects

Further references can be made available upon request.

Client: Manufacturer of automotive interioir trim


We found Qualityfocus extremely helpful and proactive in their attitude and made the transition (to TS16949) for our selves much less painful than it might have been…

Client: Health services


Qualityfocus’s professional manner and in depth knowledge of systems has proven to be an effective management assist which is always well received by our management and staff and frequently appraised in a positive light by our ISO certification body.

Client: Telematics technology


Everyone who dealt with Qualityfocus agreed unanimously that they were a great help and without their assistance we would not have had the process in place and documented in the same thorough yet concise manner. Qualityfocus worked tirelessly …. 

Client: Steel fabricator


We were as delighted as you were to have been awarded accreditation with nil non-compliances.

Qualityfocus:   Tel: 07930143388    E-mail:

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